Friday, April 6, 2007

Where are Your Cameras and Handycams???

There are obviously a variety of status messages that are seen on gtalk or yahoo messenger. One of its kinds, nowadays is 55 days left.....54 days left. The countdown had started with a century. But sadly...(happily can be for some) half century is over.....I m talking here of our GRADUATION getting over.

Time runs really fast.And I dont doubt the speed.It runs when we are loving that moment.Everybody nodoubt, is aware of this fact. So we final year students are trying to capture the moments(time). Though these moments would always awash our minds with giggling and laughter. But to keep them as .jpeg and .gif , setting them as your desktop background, it brings the amazing effects.Reliving the scene within a flash of a second. May be it can be a Bonanaza in the Catastrophic times. But more worth watching are the videos......I bet they can challenge the F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Hearing your voice....the funniest scenes. I bet you cant just see once.

So, take out your camera and handycam. Fake it when you click it.....And you would be really surprised to see that whether are you that much happy or you just look. Try your hands on it!!!! Let the shows sessions with your friends and dont forget the ones with whom you have spent your toughest time. LOL.....or the loveliest ones..... :)

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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Time in our laps !!!

1 year consisting of 365 days, 24 hours making a day, 60 mins gracing an hour , further tracing down the ample time in seconds which is 60 seconds adds upto a minute. Friends, I dont doubt your knowledge about basic units of time but just a gesture to make you realise the amount of time that we have in 4 years 4* 365*24*60*60=126144000 seconds .......Byjove!!!!

But it is a passe now.

Sooner we realise the importance of time , better would be our lives. But manging it is a huge task.
1 day u practice, 2nd day you try to maintain the pace, third you are lingering behind schedule , fourth day you are all packed and nothing goes as per the schedule, fifth day you start to think that this is not working and bhish!! all time management plans are gone and back to that same life of which you were part and parcel.

You screw every time and then you make plans. You have to work for it...hard very hard. Life doesnt come easy.... neither the success. But you want desire long for it....then you have to go for it. Make it work. Make it happen. Try.
Its just whether the time is on your side and for time to be on your side you have to be with time.

I dont know whether I m able to convey my ideology but life is yours,friends. Draft it with your views and how you want it . Destiny is an excuse(but not entirely) but where you land up is where you were meant for. :)

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Culmination of events after Exams!!!

Finally the exams were over. And as mentioned in my previous post about scrapping.. We scrapped the Network Computing (sutad's in short )exam.....The thrill that you get in not attempting the paper gives you a high...which popularises the fact that this is our last semester and we have the liberty to go out of our way to enjoy our last college days.

Now...coming to the other events that have been kept me engaged. One of them was a geedi to Heritage Festival in Patiala. This festival happens annually in February. But i decided to see this time as it would be mine last chance.Most of my friendz didn't like this heritage mela,as according to them it was monotonous and boring. Obviously you get bore, if you are visiting the same place for third time......But me.... I enjoyed it. May be the variety of stalls and the old artefact's bewildered me. And here I would like to add that it was for the first time when i was interested in all this termed by me stupid and girlish.... The hangings were of variety in metallics, of mud, of variety of colours ...seeming to touch the culture of our country.The atmosphere was just swinging with the diversity of our culture. From Madras to Kashmir, each and every type of civilization was on its way to sell the most different and versatile products that are usually never available in the market.In short it was one of the fulfilling experiences of Patiala. The air seemed so pure and so cold. It was my Patiala, my Punjab. How much i hope that i may get to stay and work here in Punjab. But ding bells do ring. And so....nothing.

Whenever, me and my family used to go to my grandparents home, as we used to enter the city where my grandparents mother used to say the air is different ,its sooo cool and she used to get lost in her dreamzz..... i presume. But now i can some how relate to this incidence that previously just went over my head(OHT Over head Transmission).

DOR----> A must watch movie. Its directed by Nagesh Kukonoor of IQBAL fame...Do watch it my friendz.

ACUMEN is knocking at doorsteps. Lets c whether girls can win this time and take away home the trophy which has always the destiny of Boys of final year. But guys!!! beware we are gearing up for the show and are sure to turn the tables down. Hurray!!! God bless us :D

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Mistakes.....are my life !!!!!

There are pepole who would wonder when was the last time i screwed it up...... and here me on this side of the river usually has this notion when was the last time i made it up!!!! Yupeee.... Three cheers for my awesome performances in this college and now, in these examzzz....though its the last semester and moreover just the mid sems..... but it has been really a very dry spell overall.....

Whatz the whole idea of " I made it"...."I deserve it and I should get it"...... ????? The thing that you want it the most you get it in the last or far are the chances that u dont get it.....may be another test of patience, sincerity and bla bla bla....... Still i m confused with the thin line of achievment and failure. Let me explain this. A youngster who works hard , is sincere and have all the credits to his asset is not able to make through or in more clear words he fails. But on the other hand a "chill guy who gave a decent effort is the king of the entire empire" Here the success is of the hardworker who got to know his weakness or that of the chill dude who got his reward.....??????

The whole thing was the frustration bounding from a chotaa sa tucha mid sem exam which i m giving from the past 3.5 years. I am least bothered about all this crap but this so called crap took hell lot of time
Now only one more exam to go..... and here we computerchis are coming with the idea of scrapping it.Scrapping means not attempting the whole paper... either it can be of zero marks or as per decided by the time our branch is far behind in the race.... with biotechnologists screwing up 4 exams and here comes the mother of all branches "Electrical" with zero attempt in not more than three papers.......Kudos!!!!!
Lets see for this scenario whether we would be able to scrap it or me as usual screw it!!!!!

would be coming up soon with some good thoughts after my EXAMS.......

Friday, February 9, 2007

My first Post

After a long hiatus, I m back with a new blog. Hope this time I dont screw it up. I Would definitely try to be regular which seems an uphill task...but lets see how the future carves out to be!!!!
First mid semesters of final year gearing up the road..he hee....but do I know which subjects are being taught...or for that matter my dear fellow thaparians, do you know the syllabus!!!!! Lets not bother about the exams as we have been blessed up with only one exam in a day......which would b tough for students like me who want to get over with this funda of exams ASAP(As soon As Possible). Oops!!! is one of the official term I learnt during my training...its used in emails mostly . Just told you FYI( For your interest, another term!!!!)