Friday, April 6, 2007

Where are Your Cameras and Handycams???

There are obviously a variety of status messages that are seen on gtalk or yahoo messenger. One of its kinds, nowadays is 55 days left.....54 days left. The countdown had started with a century. But sadly...(happily can be for some) half century is over.....I m talking here of our GRADUATION getting over.

Time runs really fast.And I dont doubt the speed.It runs when we are loving that moment.Everybody nodoubt, is aware of this fact. So we final year students are trying to capture the moments(time). Though these moments would always awash our minds with giggling and laughter. But to keep them as .jpeg and .gif , setting them as your desktop background, it brings the amazing effects.Reliving the scene within a flash of a second. May be it can be a Bonanaza in the Catastrophic times. But more worth watching are the videos......I bet they can challenge the F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Hearing your voice....the funniest scenes. I bet you cant just see once.

So, take out your camera and handycam. Fake it when you click it.....And you would be really surprised to see that whether are you that much happy or you just look. Try your hands on it!!!! Let the shows sessions with your friends and dont forget the ones with whom you have spent your toughest time. LOL.....or the loveliest ones..... :)

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